Discovery of X-rays

With the continuous research and inventions, which were going in the late 1800s, medical science facing tremendous advancements day by day; new technologies were taking birth on Earth. 

Now practitioners were started the use of various newly adopted advanced medical procedures, instead of traditional ways of treatment. These inventions were results- easy and quick treatment of patient than before. Also this leads to a competition among researchers to quest for more new advanced technology. 

In this processes of questing, one day a German physicist named "Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen" was performing his routine experiment on cathode rays; he was studying, "high voltage discharge phenomenon" in a partially vacuum tube (called crook tube). 

During experiment, he noticed fluorescence of a barium-platino-cynide screen, which was actually lying in the same room but several feet away. This was an unknown new ray, as at that time, he does not knew exact nature and other details about this ray, so he named it "X-rays".

Sir Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

With time, properties of x-rays were discovered, and out of all its properties, one most important property is that- 'they are associated with electric and magnetic field and travel with the same velocity of light with great penetration power.

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